Conclusion of the Concert Series: The quality of the organ gets recognition.

26 octobre 2016

At the conclusion of the concert season in the St. Peters Church in Seehausen there was a special treat.

When an organist of international recognition travels to Seehausen by plane and train, there must be a good reason for it. The organist Giorgio Parolini, born in 1971, heard in his hometown that the restoration of the big Lütkemüller Organ in the St. Peters Church had recently been completed and can now be played in full sound quality. With his journey on Sunday he fulfilled his wish to become acquainted with this Queen of Instruments.
Pastor Mohr and his family accommodated the artist in Seehausen and recounted that, upon his arrival he sat down at the organ and played for three hours in the cold church. Without a substantial break he then took seat at the instrument to play the concert for the townspeople and guests of Seehausen concluding the Organ Concert Season. Masterfully he played works by J. S. Bach, Robert Schumann and Max Reger (Ave Maria). Even the Pilgrim’s Chorus from Richard Wagner’s opera “Tannhäuser” was on the program. The artist elicited the full sonority of the instrument from barely audible to powerful sounds. Unrestrained applause and standing ovations followed the “Rapsodia italiana”.
Many of the concertgoers gathered in the heated Parish Hall to review the listening experience after this wonderful concert, which took place as part of the common Altmark counties Music Festival with support from the Bank of Stendal. There cantor Sophie Charlotte Tetzlaff praised the selfless efforts of Gisela Jannik and Rosemarie Stüwe during the course of the Concert Series.

Walter Schaffer (“Volksstimme”, 26/10/2016)